
General Liability Insurance

Often referred to Public & Products Liability or Combined Liability, it's the insurance that protects you as the insured against claims for compensation resulting from Personal Injury or Property Damage for which you are found legally liable. Every registered business entity should have General Liability cover.Many business owners don't believe they need Product Liability cover. Let's have a quick look at a sample definition of 'Product'; 'Anything after it has ceased to be in your possession manufactured, constructed, erected, installed, repaired, serviced, treated, sold, supplied or distributed...'As can be seen, this is very broad with cover subsequently limited by exclusions. If your uncertain about your cover, contact us and let's review your requirements.

Management Liability Insurance

An emerging cover is Management Liability. Regretfully this has come about as a result of litigation. Any business can experience incidents that leave yourself or your staff exposed to personal liability.Management Liability consists of a number of covers providing many small and medium businesses access to cover not previously available. Corporate clients had access to many of the covers but they were secured on a policy by policy basis.Now business owners can obtain;
  • Directors & Officers Liability
  • Employment Practices Liability
  • Company Expenses and
  • Statutory Liability
within one policy.To review your exposures, contact Inspired Insurance Services now. Stop your business from incurring substantial expenses simply due to being ill prepared.
A young couple consulting a financial planner at home

Professional Indemnity Insurance

Like with Business Insurance having different sections relating to different risks, same applies to Liability Insurances. Professional Indemnity generally protects an insured from claims being made for financial loss resulting from a professionals advice. Apart from the obvious occupations, there are a large number of occupations that this cover relates to.There are a range of policy benefits that may be automatically included such as;
  • Breach of Duty
  • Loss of or Damage to Documents
  • Breaches of the Competition and Consumer Act and The Fair Trading Act
  • Claims Investigation Costs
  • Court Attendance Costs
Check your cover to see if you have all the benefits available to you and if you don't or don't know, call us and we'll review your cover for you. Note that this cover cannot be quoted or implemented without an application form being completed which collects all applicable information to pricing correctly. These are available from our 'Forms' area.

Directors & Officers Insurance

Directors & Officers insurance provides personal protection to business Managers and company Directors (within policy terms). Part of the cover also reimburses the Company for expenses incurred.Put simply, Directors and Managers are always making decisions on behalf of the company's best interest. Mistakes happen and some decisions are alleged to be incorrect. The Director or Manager could be held personally responsible for this inaccuracy.With increasing litigation against Directors and Managers, we strongly suggest you enquire about your risks. We can facilitate cover for publicly listed companies and privately owned businesses. Even an allegation can cost!

Workers Compensation Insurance

Firstly it is important to know that Workers Compensation is different for each State of Australia. There are similarities but they are not the same. There are a number of States where Inspired Insurance Services can assist. For larger clients we manage National policies.

Workers Compensation can be the largest insurance premium component for a business. This is one reason why a lot of attention should be given to all aspects of your cover.
Priority needs to be given to preventing workplace incidents from occurring. When they do happen, the immediate priority is to assist the injured worker return to work and manage the claim appropriately.
The outcome of a claim will generally have a direct impact on future insurance premiums. A poorly managed claim by either an insurer or you as the employer will severely impact your business in future years.
There are many legal requirements from a human resource and also from a safety aspect. Your obligation is to comply with these requirements and not simply be unaware. Inspired Insurance Services is appropriately qualified to assist with Workers Compensation policy arrangement and claim management. Don't delay. Contact us and have your policy reviewed. We'll also review your claims position and assist with getting them back on track.